Convert Currencies Freely
Manage your currencies while capturing global investment opportunities
Easy and Flexible
It's up to you to load up specific currencies in your multi-currency trading account before placing an order. Funds in different currencies are freely convertible anytime*. Giving us a FX instruction to convert funds from one currency to another only requires a few clicks in your BOOM account.
How do I give a FX Instruction to convert currencies in my BOOM account?
Simply login to your BOOM account, then go to the "FX Instructions" under "Currencies Conversion" of the "Funds & Account" section. You can then input your instruction to BOOM to convert specific currencies.
Those FX instructions that is placed or changed before the cut-off time of 10:30am HKT will be executed on the same day. If you placed the FX instruction after 12:00 noon HKT, it will be handled on the next business day.
* Note: A FX Instruction can be placed, changed or cancelled anytime except 10:30am to 12:00pm HKT.