Chain Order
Chain Order = 1 Parent order + 1 Dependent order
What is a "Chain Order"?
A "Chain order" is a set of 2 orders entered at the same time, where the second order (the "dependent order") is activated upon the full execution of the first order (the "parent order").
For example, you can place an order to buy a stock and at the same time pre-set a sell limit order, which would only be processed once the first order is fully executed.
What is the difference between the "parent order" and the "dependent order"?
The "parent order" and "dependent order" are two separate orders, which have their own order references.
When the "parent order" is received by the system, it will be processed at once.
However, the "dependent order" is stored in the system and will remain inactive. Even the market price matches its limit price, the "dependent order" will not be processed. The "dependent order" will become an active order only if the "parent order" is completely executed.
Any Markets & Any Order Types
Can I place a "Chain Order" for two different markets?
Yes. You can specify different markets for the "parent order" and the "dependent order".
Which trading markets can I use the "Chain Order"?
"Chain Order" can be used among and across any stock market currently offered by BOOM.
Can I use different types of orders for a "Chain Order"?
Yes. You can specify different order types for the "parent order" and the "dependent order".
Which types of orders can I use in the "Chain Order"?
Any type of order currently offered by BOOM can be used in a "Chain Order".
However, market order is not allowed as a "dependent order" if you have specify the same stock for "parent order" and "dependent order".
Examples of order type combinations in the "Chain Order":
Investment Objective | Parent Order | Dependent Order |
Use the sales proceed of one stock to reinvest in another | Limit Sell Order | Limit Buy Order |
Sell the same stock on a high price and buy back at a lower price | Limit Sell Order | Limit Buy Order |
Set up a target sell price once you bought a stock | Limit Buy Order | Limit Sell Order |
Switch investment from one stock to another | Limit Buy Order | Market Sell Order |
Set up the Stop Price once you bought a stock | Limit Buy Order | Sell Stop-Limit Order |
Catch short-term market fluctuation while maintain same stock holding | Sell Stop-Limit Order | Limit Buy Order |
Setting up a Chain Order
How to set up a "Chain Order"?
- Log on to your BOOM account;
- Click [Chain Order] under the [Place Order] section;
- Enter the order details for the "Parent Order";
- On same screen, enter the order details for the "Dependent Order";
- Click [Submit Order] button to review the orders;
- Review the details for both "parent order" and "dependent order". Click [Confirm] button to send the orders;
- Chain Order is received. On the confirmation page, you will find separate Order IDs for the "parent order" and "dependent order".
When do I need to have sufficient buying power for my BUY "dependent order"?
At the time the buy "dependent order" is activated, our trading system will calculate whether your account have sufficient buying power. If there are insufficient funds for the buy "dependent order", it will be cancelled automatically.
It is advisable for you to ensure there are sufficient funds in your account before the "parent order" is fully executed.
When do I need to have sufficient stock holdings for my SELL "dependent order"?
At the time the sell "dependent order" is activated, our trading system will check whether your account have sufficient stock holdings. If there are insufficient stock holdings for the sell "dependent order", it will be cancelled automatically.
It is advisable for you to ensure there are sufficient stock holdings in your account when the dependent order is activated.
Can I place a "Chain Order" with a Good Till Date?
Yes. When you enter a "parent order", you can set the expiry date (Good Till Date) up to 30 calendar days from time of entering the order. Likewise, you can set the expiry date of your "dependent order" up to 30 calendar days counting from the time it is activated.
You "parent order" and "dependent order" will be processed within the respective validity period.
Dependent Order Activation
When will the "dependent order" be activated?
The "dependent order" will be activated when the "parent order" is completely executed.
What will happen to the "dependent order" if I do not have sufficient buying power / stock holdings when it is activated?
If there are insufficient funds or stock holdings at the time the "dependent order" is activated, the "dependent order" will be cancelled automatically. And a notification email will be sent to you immediately.
What will happen to the "dependent order" if the "parent order" is only partially executed?
The "dependent order" will remain inactive if the "parent order" is only partially filled.
What will happen to the "dependent order" if the "parent order" is expired or cancelled?
When the "parent order" is cancelled or expired, the "dependent order" will be cancelled automatically.
Are there situations that the "dependent order" may be cancelled automatically?
Yes. You must be aware that the "dependent order" may be cancelled automatically under certain conditions. Those conditions include:
"Dependent order" is cancelled because it becomes invalid | "Dependent order" is cancelled because respective "parent order" become invalid |
When the "dependent order" is cancelled by our system, a notification email will be sent to you immediately. However, if you cancelled the "parent order" manually, no notification email will be generated.
Order History, Amendment and Cancellation
Where can I check the order status of my "Chain Order"?
On the menu bar, go to "Trade & Status" > "Status and History" > "Pending Order / Intraday Executions". You can check the updated order status of both the "parent order" and the "dependent order".
How can I amend or cancel my "parent order" and/or "dependent order"?
On the menu bar, go to "Trade & Status" > "Status and History" > "Pending Order / Intraday Executions". You can change either or both the "parent order" and/or the "dependent order" before execution.
Can I just cancel my "parent order" and keep the "dependent order" remains valid?
No. If you cancel the "parent order", the "dependent order" will also be cancelled automatically.
Can I cancel my "dependent order" only?
Yes. You can cancel the "dependent order" before it is executed or expired.
After I cancel my "dependent order", can I set up another new "dependent order"?
Yes. On the menu bar, go to "Trade & Status" > "Status and History" > "Pending Order / Intraday Executions", you can add a new "dependent order" to existing "parent order" by clicking the "Add Dependent" link.
Points to Note
Chain Order Features and Constraints
- To set up a "Chain Order", a "parent order" and a "dependent order" must be entered at the same time. There must be only one "parent order" and one "dependent order" in a Chain Order.
- Separate brokerage, other fees and charges apply to both the "parent order" and the "dependent order" of a "Chain Order".
- Both "parent order" and "dependent order" allow any combination of trading markets and order types currently offer by us. Restriction and constraints of each trading market and order type still applies. However, market order is not allowed as a "dependent order" if you have set the same stock for "parent order" and "dependent order".
- There is no validation on the buying power or stock holdings when "dependent order" is entered. Such checking will be performed when your "dependent order" is activated. If there is insufficient fund or stock holdings, the "dependent order" will be cancelled.
- When you enter a "parent order", you can set the expiry date (Good Till Date) up to 30 calendar days from time of entering the "Chain Order". Your "parent order" will be processed for execution at your specified price within the validity of your pre-set period.
- Your "parent order" will be valid until it is fully executed, cancelled or expired. Any unfilled quantity of the "parent order" will be expired at the end of the Good Till Date.
- When you enter a "dependent order", you can set the expiry date up to 30 calendar days counting from the time the "dependent order" is activated. The Good Till Date is the last day of this valid period. Your "dependent order" will be processed for execution at your specified price within the validity of your pre-set period.
- Your "dependent order" is triggered and activated ONLY upon the complete execution of the "parent order". Once the "dependent order" is activated, your "dependent order will be valid until it is fully executed or cancelled or expired (on the Good Till Date). Any unfilled quantity of the "dependent order" will be expired at the end of the Good Till Date.
- Depends on market condition, the "dependent order" once activated, can be fully executed immediately.
- If the "parent order" is only partially filled, the "dependent order" will not be activated. If the "parent order" is expired or cancelled, the "dependent order" will be cancelled all together. If the "parent order" is rejected, the "dependent order" will not be activated and will be cancelled by system.
- Before your "parent order" is completely executed, the un-filled "parent order" can be changed or cancelled.
- Before your "dependent order" is completely executed, the un-filled "dependent order" can be changed or cancelled.
- "Dependent order" can be cancelled separately from its "parent order". Afterwards, you can then setup another "dependent order" to the original "parent order".
- Your "dependent order" may be cancelled by the system automatically under certain conditions. Those conditions include, but not limited to,
- "dependent order" is cancelled because it becomes invalid, e.g. at the time the "dependent order" is activated, (1) there are insufficient funds or stock holdings; (2) dependent order is invalid (e.g. stop price is higher than the market price for stop limit order); (3) stock related to your dependent order is suspended from trading; or
- "dependent order" is cancelled because respective "parent order" becomes invalid, e.g. (1) you have cancelled the ‘parent order'; (2) "parent order" is expired after the Good Till Date; (3) when the stock price of your parent order is adjusted significantly due to corporate actions, your "parent order" will then be cancelled by our system; (4) if you have set the "parent order" as a Sell Stop-Limit Order, it will be cancelled by our system if the related stock is suspended from trading.
- When your "dependent order" is activated or cancelled by the system, a notification email will be sent to you immediately. However, if you cancelled the "parent order" manually, no notification email will be generated.
- If your "dependent order" is a Sell Stop-Limit Order, amendment is not allowed. If you want to modify a "dependent order" that is a Sell Stop-Limit Order, you must cancel it first and then setup another "dependent order". Upon entering a Sell Stop-Limit Order as a "parent order" or a "dependent order", you will be deemed to have accepted the terms and conditions and understood and accepted all of the features and constraints of the Sell Stop-Limit Order.