Managed Stored Order
Store your orders and submit them later
How to store order(s)?
- On the menu bar, go to "Trade & Status" > "Place Order" > "Managed Store Order";
- Click [Start Store Order];
- On the "Multi-Order / Manage Stored Order" page, enter the first order, then click [Add];
- To enter another order, just click [Add Order] or [Copy Order ID #1] ;
- Check all your orders on the list;
- Finally, click [Store Order Only]. Entered order(s) will then be added to the Managed Store Order list.
How many orders can be stored?
At most 15 stored orders.
How to view stored order(s)?
You can view the stored order by clicking "Managed Stored Order" under the "Place Order" section.
How to submit the stored order(s)?
- On the "Managed Stored Order" page, select the order(s) you want to submit;
- Click [Submit Order].